PROTO - SD "Relic" Chema Cardenas Signature Scooter Griptape - 7 x 24 Description
Now for another new series dedicated to a rider who has contributed more to PROTO than any other rider over more than a decade; travelling the world representing the brand, filming and editing video parts, helping design, refine and test some of our most legendary products and systems not to mention single-handedly leading the Mexican scooter scene for the past 20 years. By industry standards he is an ancient Relic in scootering from the very beginning of the sport: @chemacardenas_proto ????
Inspired by Chema’s Mayan roots in Guadalajara, Mexico, the “Relic” series represents Chema’s age in our industry and a lifetime of work to further our sport and the pursuit of his dream to become a citizen of the world by using two wheels to explore it all.????
#PROTOrelic #MadeInUSA ???????? #RidePROTO
Coming in at 7″x24″, the PROTO Relic Griptape fits all deck sizes but is sized to easily fit larger decks, a perfect fit for the PROTO Eclipse Deck. The PROTO Logo Griptape features a standard (SD) grit feel and printed graphics. Made in the USA.